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Bulk Connections is a private sector company forming part of the Bidvest Freight division which is owned by The Bidvest Group Limited whose shares are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. If you would like to find out more about the Bidvest Group visit
To find out more about the Bidvest Freight division visit: The information is updated at year end annually on 30 June.
The annexure of interest in subsidiaries and associates can be found at pages 123 - 131 at the following link:
The divisions, subsidiaries and associate companies in Bidvest including Bulk Connections operate in a decentralized manner, while being accountable to the Bidvest Group holding company.
Bulk Connections is one of the largest exports & import dry bulk facilities in the Durban port. The company was founded in 1900's as a coal export terminal facility. Bulk Connections now handles bulk commodities i.e., Coal, Iron Ore, Manganese, Copper, Magnetite, Chrome, and Ferro Chrome. Our current facility can store 500 - 600k tons of cargo per annum depending on the product mixture.
This Manual applies to the subsidiaries and associate companies of Bulk Connections, including associated company Bulk Connections (Pty)Ltd (registration number 1999/000506/07) unless any subsidiary or associate business has their own PAIA Manual visible on their corporate website which is applicable to their specific business.
Should you have a PAIA Request for Access to a Record held by any of our subsidiaries or associate companies, you can check the website of the subsidiary for their prescribed request procedures to be followed, alternatively follow the procedures as set out in this Manual and the Request for Access will be coordinated and appropriately dealt with internally.